Saturday, June 25, 2011

Expectations & Disappointments

No expectations, no disappointments 
But who want to live without any expectation?

I feel kinda disappointed lately, and yes,I've expected more lately
But I'm sure every disappointment that I feel won't last long
I've always got many ways to cure it
Islamic Thoughts  's tweets always keep my spirit up (LOL this isn't any advertisement)

Buat "kalian".....
Everything will be accomplished "if and only if" everyone cooperates
Your enthusiasm & cooperation are the things needed now! Without that, it'd be futile

Buat "kalian" yang lain...
I was really looking forward to meet you guys, but I didn't even given a chance to. You guys didn't count me in, though I know I was not certain to join, yet we have different interest, but at least...tell me. I don't want to have such feeling; that I don't belong there. We were always together, right?Cos all of you mean so much to me :)

And last but not least, I'm sure some of you will get the point from what I've written above
I'm sore for such crybaby entry, well afterall there are many things that disappoint me lately, hehe

#Comment : Disabled

2nd Semester Has Officially Ended

sakali pan gw bikin judul blog tentang semester 2, mungkin ini buat nambah-nambahin posting sebelumnya
gmn rapornya gan??gw yakin pada naik semua nilai nya, cmn gw agak kecewa nih sama mata pelajaran Kimia. Kenapa?Di saat pelajaran lain naik, cmn ini yg turun (sebenernya ada sih 2 pelajaran lain yg turun, tp berhubung gw berorientasi pada MIPA, jd gw cmn kecewa sama penurunan nilai Kimia gw.) dan gw kecewa sama guru yang jarang masuk :( semoga tahun depan ga ada kejadian kayak gitu lagi Aamiin.

btw gw baru aja beresin Full Metal Alchemist, which is I know ini udah lama banget & gw udh punya dari 2 tahun lalu, tp ga gw tonton, terus ngendep di rumah tika dan gak dia tonton!! baru dibalikin beberapa bulan lalu ckckck

this one is my favorite :D dulu cmn ngoleksi komiknya tp gak sampe beres, tp ternyata versi animenya lebih seru & lebih kerasa!51 episode, gw mulai nonton sekitar bulan Mei, trs di tunda-tunda dan baru beres kemarin hehe pokoknya seerrruuu banget!tp kyknya Full Metal Alchemist : Brotherhood bakal lebih seru lagi, tapi ada 64 episode, mending nonton yang lain dah!Berminat utk nonton?Cukup bermakna ceritanya, mumpung liburan hehe

Dan masih ada 2 buku yg belum gw beresin, 
Ranah 3 Warna, Habibie & Ainun ; gw harap buku-buku itu bisa membuat liburan ini lebih bermakna hahaha!

Pokoknya segini dulu untuk hari ini

Saturday, June 18, 2011

2nd Semester

It almost ends, there are soo many new experiences that I cherish...From NUSA,BANTARA, til SMANSA DAY, our biggest festival..Thanks!

But now I'm in a state of disappointment now hikshiks...
I have been envying some people so much lately, I know I shouldn't but sometimes feeling envious can keep my spirit up...(#np perfect-simple plan)

And I'm missing some people too, so much :)

SOO because HOLIDAY is COMING SOON I shouldn't feel sad again and forget about others',
I will be more determined & prepared

Congrats to juniors who are passed the entrance test of SMANSA, we are looking forward to have a new family,new batch :D

To my beloved classmates, X-5
because you've given me the chance to take the highest position in the class (well, the position under our Mom's exactly LOL)
Sorry if I didn't do my job properly, that was my very very first time anyway :P , but at least I learn so many things this semester, so many !

Saturday, June 11, 2011







Kapan bisa KUMPUL LENGKAP lagi?! :(